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Monday, February 7, 2011

Working with the Master-Detail Report Feature of OBI 11g (pt 3)

The final installment of this series will look at configuring detail views to listen to multiple event channels.

My first step will be to create a new Master View analysis. I am going to create a simple tabular view as my second master view including the Qtr column I have used previously for my data event driver. I have set the Channel name to MDS3 in the same way I configure my first master view.

I have saved that analysis and now want to edit 1 of my detail views to listen on this channel as well as the MDS2 channel it is currently listening on.

Just a side note: If you have been following this series, you will notice the view names have changed as well as the view layout on the dashboard page from my previous posts. I have renamed my views and reorganized them on the dashboard to make things a little clearer. Other than the changes I have outlined here, the other views remain unchanged.

So, the detail view I decided to modify is the second one I created which has the pie chart. Opening the pie chart view in the editor window and opening the properties for it, I have added my new channel to the event channel. Notice the channels are separated by a comma. With that change made, I then save this analysis.

Adding the new Master view to my dashboard page, I am ready to test this new functionality.

Clicking on the 2008 Q2 cell from my first master view, both detail views respond with the Qtr column slider moving appropriately.

I now click on the 2008 Q3 cell on my second master view, on the detail pie chart view does respond as expected with the Qtr slider moving to the appropriate value while the other detail view remains unchanged.

Thus we can see that a detail view can listen to multiple events from different master views.

There is actually more to learn and do with Master-Detail links but that is a different discussion as it involves extending OBI with some custom code. I will leave that for a later time.